input output update

Although I said in the previous post I probably wouldn't be making anything new until next year, that is ba-lo-ney. As if I could help myself.

In fact, after checking the mail today I am especially excited about beginning the exercises of Randel Plowman's beautiful book The Collage Workbook. I've been following Randel's impressive collage output for years over at his A Collage A Day blog.

My own collage making began in earnestness in 2006, the same year I started clicking over to Randel's Blogspot. There is no doubt in my mind that I was influenced by his tremendous output, not so much by its content (our styles are different), but rather the act of simply MAKING.

I'm happy to be influenced once again, this time by the 50 prompts in Randel's book. No doubt some of the work will end up posted here, on my art Facebook page, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. 

And speaking of the "etc"— with all the flap over Instagram's new Terms and Conditions, I've renewed my interest in Flickr. I downloaded the new app to my phone, took a couple of test shots and like the interface and filters. Today I uploaded 167 pictures (!) of my collage work and have begun populating my feed with friends and creative image makers. Shall we be contacts? Feel free to like, friend, connect, whatever the Flickr lingo is.

I still really enjoy Instagram, but first with its spat with Twitter (no more quick preview) and then the ToC, I've found myself posting and looking less. Be nice to your user base, or you will lose them. Duh. 

Fresh visuals, everywhere. And now, elsewhere too.

Sacha Halona BaumannComment